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Poetry @Sangam with 100TPC presented a pluralistic evening of poetry, with English translations of Japanese, French, English, Urdu, Gujrati, Hindi, flowing together...

  • Date:20/9/2016 12:00 AM
  • Location Kitabkhana, Fort, Mumbai (Map)


Poetry @Sangam with 100Thousand Poets for Change

 ‘Sometimes words can be music to the ears too'....Radiocity's byline came true this evening with some exquisite poetry at 'Writing in Troubled Times' - poems in English with translations from French, Marathi, Urdu, Japanese & Bangla, presented by Poetry at Sangam & the 100 Thousand Poets for Change. 

Menka Shivdasani, Priya Sarukkai Chhabria, thank you wonderful poets, for an eloquent evening, bringing diverse languages and people together.

Mohan Gehani recited his poems in Sindhi and then their English translations, Nivedita Sekhar read poems in Japanese by S.Suzuki & Mariko Nagai, followed by their English translations,

Mustansir Dalvi read his poems and those of Hemant Divate's - poems in Marathi & their translations in English Loved mail i.d.

Dalvi then read Iqbal's poem 'Shikwa' in Urdu, and it was a real treat!

recited her poems too and we loved her speaking to her milkpot. 'I shall turn up the heat. You watch!' She also read Sampurna Chatterji's translations of Joy Goswami's work,

Karthika Nair, a poet based in Paris, read poems by French poet Rosalyn Sibilee and also works of Rainer Maria Rilke.

Priya Sarukkai Chhabria read Ranjit Hoskote's work, his translations of Kashmiri saivite mystic poet Lal Ded...
She read some of her own exquisite poems too. And also poems by Adil Jussawala.

A beautiful evening full of music, fittingly concluded with songs by The National Streets for Performing Arts...

Smeetha Bhoumik